About me | Introduction


Main info ✧ He/Him - Trans (FTM) ✧ Demiromantic ✧ Minor ✧ Brasilian (PT/BR)



**Likes! Art, photography, Marvel (specifically Daredevil and Moon Knight), cats, plushies, Lemon Demon, indie goth aesthetics, and winter.**Dislikes... Dirty living spaces, sequins, itchy clothing, crowded areas, bad people (ex. homophobic, racist, transphobic, ableist, etc)

About me | Interest


Main info ✧ He/Him - Trans (FTM) ✧ Demiromantic ✧ Minor ✧ Brasilian (PT/BR)



**My hobbies! I like photography since I want to be a photographer, I just like that you can make art using a real human body and making it look out of this world. Drawing is also a hobby of mine, I do it mostly for fun but also because I think It's a fun way to learn about anatomy and so on... I'm starting to learn how to cook and clean because I want to be a male wife/j.../hj.../srs.

About me | My fav silly


Main info ✧ He/Him - Trans (FTM) ✧ Demiromantic ✧ Minor ✧ Brasilian (PT/BR)



**My silly! I am friends with Jasper, my favorite and most important person in my life. They are delightful and I adore listening to them talk, I think they have really lovely and funny topics and I always have a fun time with them :] I like staying by their side. they have earned a special place in my heart. They have helped me through tough times and in figuring myself out and honestly getting more comfortable with myself, I'll always be thankful for what they have done for me and they always manage to bring a smile to my face. I would love to live my life by their side! This might not be much but I feel like it sums up what I feel towards Jasper.